We've been given a bonza opportunity to live in Sydney for a year and we
sure are gonna make the most of our time Down Under.....let the adventures begin!!!

Saturday 2 June 2012

Touching down in a land Down Under

After my epic 26 hour flying time and completely losing Sunday to the national date line, I landed into Sydney!

As I joined the passport control queue ( in the express lane of course) I looked over to the never ending line of passengers in the normal queue and realised that Carl was right next to me!

Despite leaving 7 hours after me we had arrived at exactly the same time.

Kat, my new manager was waiting to welcome the crew of the 2012 exchange at the airport. She very kindly took Carl's surf board from me and manged to walk in her sky high heels complete with surfboard in one hand and coffee in the other.

Virgin crew and all their cases arrive in Sydney

Our accommodation for week one is at The 150 Apartments in Darlinghurst.  Our apartment is amazing, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and two balconies! Carl couldn't have been happier to find a bottle shop right next to the entrance and quickly proceeded to purchase his VB beers.

Downstairs of our 150 Apartment viewed from balcony

Tuesday was my first day at Virgin Australia. Wow what an organised company! They not only fitted all our uniforms and had them ready for us to take, they had printed out all documents we need to rent an apartment and the bank manager came into see us with our bank cards ready to go! I don't think I've ever met a bank manager before! Let alone them come to visit me! this would never happen in the UK.

My drugs and alcohol testing was very formal! I felt that i had been charged with possession of a class A drug. I got taken into a bathroom with a nurse who taped the water tap up so I couldn't ruin it. My bag, jacket and scarf was taken away from me and I was told to wee into a pot and not wash my hands till she came back in!  I passed, as did all of us but it was a very funny experience. This can be done at any time while I am in uniform!

After all our paperwork had been completed and the wee samples taken, we headed off with managers in tow to a bar free bar for one hour courtesy of Virgin Australia. I already like the way they conduct their business. They even invited Carl along to join us, mind you he's never one to miss the opportunity of a free bar. 

Since then our days have been taken up by apartment hunting and trying to reacquaint ourselves with Sydney and its many suburbs. 

So long for now ......

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